Week 70
Thursday 9th
Mum went off to do a talk on the Albanians at
Dunstable today and a little later on Brian from next door came and took
me to his house. When Steve arrived we all went for a nice long walk
around Bancroft and saw several of my friends. We had some dinner and it
was quite late when Brian took me home. Apparently mum had done another
WWII talk tonight to another group.
Friday 10th
There is a lot of caravan packing going on today.
Saturday 11th
Just when I thought we were going caravanning mum
disappears for the afternoon. She is off to Dunstable again for a
meeting of the Town Guides, a lesson on the Priory buildings, and to
practice her ghost walk.
Sunday 12th
This morning was caravan packing again, and when
the car door opened and my bed was put on the back seat, I jumped in
quickly to make sure that I did not get left behind. I sat there for a
long while waiting patiently for mum to finish and get hitched on. It
was all worth while because we left home with the caravan and we went to
a sheep farm near Stratford on Avon.
Our afternoon walk took us into Clifford Chambers
village. We crossed the river Stour that runs by our field and passed
the mill and walked along the village High Street.
Monday 13th
The sheepdog popped in to say hello today and ate
my breakfast. He was just taking a break from moving some sheep from one
field to another field.
Tuesday 14th
Wednesday 15th
We inspected the thatched barn today that is going
to be used for supper on Saturday
Week 71 Thursday 16th
Today we went to Broadway and up to the tower for a
walk. Wonderful views from here.
Friday 17th
After lunch we got in the car and we went home. We
left the caravan on the field at Stratford, so what is going on?
Saturday 18th
I went to stay with Helen and Ed all day today.
Neil and Kirsty are getting married today and mum has gone to the
wedding. They invited 450 people and mum said the church was full to
capacity and overflowing. She met lots of new people and had a good
time, and so did I. Ed is putting in a new fence and so you can walk
into the garden next door. They have two children and there is a
sandpit. It is just great for digging!
Sunday 19th
We had our normal walk round Bancroft and then we
got in the car and went back to the caravan. What a relief.
This afternoon we bumped into Alfie on our walk and
we had a race around and then got a biscuit. Alfie comes from Tibet
where there are lots of mountains. He has got something wrong with his
knees, so he has to run about to strengthen them.
We went on our walk with Terry and Wendy so we
took them to the village and showed them all the lovely cottages.

Tuesday 21st
We moved the caravan to a different spot on the
field today. It was very strange, the awning was still on the side of
the caravan and people held it while mum towed the caravan across the
field. There is a better view of the sheep from the new spot, so I keep
an eye on them.

Wednesday 22nd
We parked the car at Stratford on Avon’s Greenway
car park and walked along the river past the theatre into town. We saw
the statue of William Shakespeare. He wrote a lot of plays but he didn’t
have a blog like me.
We did some shopping, I think we walked every
street in Stratford, and then we sat by the river and had a picnic and
then we walked back to the car. There was tea at the rally this
afternoon and I curled up and slept on the grass I was so tired.

Week 72 Thursday 24th
Our day in today , so I sat and watched the sheep
for a long time. They do nothing but eat grass all day. When I walk
through their field they watch me all the time.

Saturday 26th
It was a beautiful day today, the sun was shining,
woody woodpecker was making a screeching noise in the next field. There
was a buzzard being chased by some crows and everything in my world was
just right, and then………the awning came down. Now you do not have to be
masterdog of the year to know that if the awning is being packed away in
the bag, we are going home.

Sunday 27th
We left about 10.00am having enjoyed my last walk
by the river and said goodbye to the sheep and Misty next door. Nice to
be home, but I hope it’s not too long before we go again.

Thursday 1st \October Week 73
Boys night in tonight so Ed and I could chill out
on the settee while the girls all went to the theatre.
Sunday 4th
Mum and I did some gardening today. She threw all
of my toys off the grass on to the patio so that she could cut the lawn.
Usually if she throws things it is a game and I bring them back and she
throws them again. Apparently I was not supposed to keep bringing them
back on the lawn today. I was carefully placing them in front of the
mower so she didn’t have to walk too far to reach them, but I think it
was a different game today and I didn’t quite understand the rules.
So then we planted some plants in the border. Why
is it alright for mum to dig holes in the borders? She tells me off when
I dig holes.
I did help her with the planting, I took the empty
plant pots away and chewed them up so they were easier to put into the
rubbish bin, because they were all in little tiny pieces.
Monday 5th
I spent all day with Helen while mum was off doing
her WWII thing. I had a shower today which often happens when I come
round here. I don’t like the shampoo bit, but I enjoy the hairdryer.
There is something about the hot air blowing your ears that I just love.
Tuesday 6th
Wow, what a super day I have had today. Off we went
in the car this morning and never in a million years could I have
guessed where we were going. We went to see where I was born, and I saw
my birth mother. I have to say she was not as pleased to see me as I
thought she would be. I also met one of my stepbrothers who was born
this year. His name is Oscar. He is a year younger than me and you can
see he is about the same size as me. His colouring is the same, but his
coat is very different. Mum said we have the same nice temperament. My
mum and Oscar’s mum and Annette talked about us all for hours. What we
were good at, the naughty things we did, what we ate, how intelligent we
are – that was nice to hear. Apparently I am more intelligent than her
Labradors were, and already I know as many words as they did after many
When I want to see things I stand on my back legs
in what mum calls meerkat mode. I can walk backwards on my hind legs and
when mum told Annette this, she said that I should get a job in

I have heard people complaining about having to go
to work every day, and some days when Ed comes home from work he is very
tired, so is a job a good thing or a bad thing? I’m not sure. Annette
spoke as if it was a great thing to do, exciting and fun, and perhaps
occasionally it might be alright, but people who have jobs have to go to
them nearly every day and I’m not sure that I want to do that. How would
I make the time to fit a job in between our walks and my naps and what
about going caravanning? Oh dear, I don’t think it sounds too good an
idea. Hopefully mum will forget about it.